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What Flowers to Plant with Peppers: Top Companion Plants - Growing Wild Gardening

What Flowers to Plant with Peppers: Top Companion Plants

Bell peppers are a staple in many gardens, known for their vibrant colors and sweet flavor.

To maximize their growth and health, planting companion flowers alongside them can be incredibly beneficial. In this post, we’ll explore what flowers to plant with peppers to enhance their growth, repel pests, and improve your garden's overall health.


Benefits of Companion Planting

Companion planting is the practice of growing different plants together to enhance growth, deter pests, and provide other benefits. For bell peppers, companion flowers can:

  1. Repel Pests: Certain flowers deter pests that commonly affect bell peppers.

  2. Attract Pollinators: Flowers attract bees and other pollinators, which can help increase pepper yields.

  3. Improve Soil Health: Some flowers improve soil quality by fixing nitrogen or adding organic matter.

  4. Enhance Growth: Companion flowers can create a more favorable growing environment by providing shade or acting as a windbreak.


What Flowers to Plant with Peppers

Here are some of the best flowers to plant with bell peppers and their specific benefits:

1. Marigolds (Tagetes)

  • Benefits: Marigolds are renowned for their pest-repellent properties. They emit a scent that deters aphids, nematodes, and other common garden pests.

  • How to Plant: Plant marigolds around the perimeter of your pepper garden or intersperse them between pepper plants.


2. Nasturtiums (Tropaeolum majus)

  • Benefits: Nasturtiums act as a trap crop, attracting aphids, caterpillars, and other pests away from your bell peppers. They also repel whiteflies and squash bugs.

  • How to Plant: Nasturtiums can be planted at the base of pepper plants or in nearby garden beds.


3. Borage (Borago officinalis)

  • Benefits: Borage is excellent for attracting pollinators, such as bees, which can help improve pepper pollination and yields. It also deters tomato hornworms and adds trace minerals to the soil.

  • How to Plant: Plant borage near your pepper plants, but be mindful of its size, as it can grow quite large.


4. Petunias (Petunia x hybrida)

  • Benefits: Petunias are effective at repelling pests like aphids, tomato hornworms, and leafhoppers. They also add a splash of color to your garden.

  • How to Plant: Plant petunias around your pepper plants or in nearby containers to maximize their pest-repellent effects.


5. Calendula (Calendula officinalis)

  • Benefits: Calendula, also known as pot marigold, repels a variety of pests and attracts beneficial insects like ladybugs, which feed on aphids.

  • How to Plant: Plant calendula around the edges of your pepper garden or between pepper plants.


Tips for Successful Companion Planting

  1. Spacing: Ensure that the companion flowers are not crowding the pepper plants. Adequate spacing allows for proper air circulation and reduces the risk of disease.

  2. Watering: Be mindful of the water needs of both peppers and companion flowers. Some flowers, like marigolds, prefer slightly drier conditions, while others, like petunias, may need more frequent watering.

  3. Soil Quality: Regularly amend your soil with compost or organic matter to keep it rich and fertile, benefiting both peppers and companion flowers.

  4. Rotation: Rotate your crops each season to prevent soil depletion and reduce the risk of pest and disease buildup.



Knowing what flowers to plant with peppers can significantly enhance your gardening success. Marigolds, nasturtiums, borage, petunias, and calendula are excellent companion flowers that offer a range of benefits from pest control to improved pollination. By incorporating these flowers into your pepper garden, you can create a healthier, more productive growing environment. Happy gardening!

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